26 October 2009


Very excited about my new English Journeys collection from Penguin Books:

While journeying cross-country on a side saddle sounds rather uncomfortable,

I reckon a walk in the wheat fields would be quite pleasant,

especially if there's a picnic hamper involved (game pie, anyone?)...

and a garden visit or two along the way:

But must put my (virtual) English journeys aside, as I'm headed off on a (real) American journey tomorrow. Then again, I'm sure I could fit just a few volumes in my hand luggage...


  1. Those books look beautiful! Enjoy your trip to the States.

  2. I didn't know that you could buy them in a boxed set! How beautiful...love the titles that you've highlighted.

    Enjoy your trip away Kristina, bon voyage!

  3. "Let us now praise famous gardens"? what a lovely sentiment!

    Have a wonderful trip - it's a beautiful time of year to visit the US, and I am rather envious!

  4. What a beautiful set of books, looks like a great read. Enjoy your trip over here to the states, hope you have a great time.


  5. Have a fantastic trip!

  6. Well you'll have to have something to read on the journey...
    Bon Voyage.

  7. So beautiful! I might have to come to England and get some!

    Have a great trip!

  8. Have a wonderful time - looking forward to hearing all about it.

  9. What a beautiful boxed set ! I can recommend the sidesaddle one , the book that is , not the trip .

  10. Aaargh! They have a boxed set?! I just ordered all of these from the Book Depository (Penguin wouldn't sell to me in the USA). I have all but one at this point, but I didn't know there was a boxed set. Sigh. And it looks so good as well.

  11. they're really beautiful books! i don't know the stories at all, but they look very fetching!

    safe travels!


  12. Wishing you a safe trip. I saw those books and wanted them just for the covers!

  13. Have fun in the States! Look forward to reading about your travels.

  14. Are you back yet? I hope you will write a bit about your trip.

    Thanks for sharing these; I see "Christmas present" written all over them. (Unfortunately, I want to give a set to my dad . . . but also to myself. So often the way.)
