04 October 2008

scandinavian saturday

The Saturday after we returned from Aldeburgh, we took the train into London for a fabulous cooking demonstration and lunch at Divertimenti. Trina Hahnemann was presenting recipes from her new cookbook:

Now if I were a proper blogger, I would have taken photos of Trina cooking and all the wonderful food. But unfortunately I was far too busy watching Trina and taking notes and tucking in, so I'm hoping Olive magazine won't mind me borrowing a few images from their November issue, which features some of Trina's recipes.

We started with the most amazing marinated salmon with fresh horseradish cream:

Followed by delicious fishcakes and dill potatoes:

Trina also cooked and served reindeer with anise! G was sure I wouldn't try it, but I did, and it was very tasty.

We finished with a fantastic apple trifle, the name of which, when translated literally from Danish, is Veiled Farm Girls. The layer of whipped cream must be the veil, but I'm not sure how the vanilla-infused applesauce and caramelized bread crumbs resemble farm girls! I'd love to know. We've already made it several times at home with great success.

The cookbook is gorgeous, and the recipes are very doable. The recipes are also organized by month, which I really like. And no, I didn't notice the naked man on the back cover until after I'd bought the book!

I'm already looking forward to Trina's Scandinavian baking class at Divertimenti in November, and I promise to take photos!


  1. wow, looks amazing! we need lots of photos!

  2. That sounds scrumptious. I really don't think you can go wrong with smoked salmon!

  3. I'm picking Scandinavian cooking as the next big thing - you're clearly an early adopter! Yum yum.

  4. I'm obsessed with all things Scandanavian these days. I've got to get a look at that cookbook.

  5. What fun you've had! A question (kind of about cooking!), my American friend - in a recipe what does 1 T mean? I'm guessing it's a tablespoon but REALLY don't want to get it wrong!

  6. It sounds like the perfect meal. I have a very good Swedish friend who cooks traditional Scandi stuff for us, but is very secretive about her recipes! I may have to get this book just to get my own back!
    Cathy X

  7. That sounds wonderful - those fishcakes look delicious.

  8. "Veiled Farm Girls"? For anyone who does not know, "Veiled Farm Girls" is a really delicious desert (apple, a little crumble & cream) that really works well because it is light and easy to prepare. I wonder what is the origin of the phrase?

  9. I am overcome by a desire for fishcakes - which is a bad mistake as we are having lamb for supper.

    The veiled farm girls sound very suspect. My father always said 'Never trust a farm girl wearing a veil'
