25 March 2009

a homemade life

I know there’ve been quite a few book posts lately, and I was planning to wait before adding another, but some things simply can’t wait:

A Homemade Life by Molly Wizenberg is the most beautifully written memoir. She chronicles her life and the people in it with such gentle humor, openness, and candor. I quite literally cried, sighed, smiled, and laughed in the space of its 300 pages.

I was heartbroken when I reached the last chapter: I simply didn’t want it to end. But there are still the recipes to make—one at the end of each essay—and the blog (Orangette) to follow, so I guess it's really just the beginning...


  1. Okay, that settles it. Off to Amazon tonight after the kiddies are asleep!!

  2. I would buy this book just for the cover art alone! I read another review on this book where the reader cried, the author must tell a fantastic story.

  3. I simply have to get it, that's all there is to it!
    D x

  4. I've been wondering about this one. Hmmmmm - you may have me convinced!

  5. you're a bad bad influence on me.

    I sooo want this book. Sigh.

  6. oooh, I remember visiting that blog months ago, and then not finding it again. something else for the amazon wish list........ xxx

  7. I'm going to add this to my library list too! I looked it up on Amazon, it gets a 5 star rating there too. Thanks for the recommendation. Love Salx

  8. Okay, based on your review, I'm going to order this, too.

    At this rate, I hope Amazon doesn't run out!

    PS-Word verif: reaper

    Pretty grim.
