25 June 2008

out and about

Today Rachel and I went for a spot of shopping in Richmond. Of course we had to fortify ourselves first, which meant coffee and chocolate treats at William Curley: a financier for Rachel and a little brownie for me. They have lovely non-chocolate treats as well, including these hazelnut crunches brought home for G (and me!):

We then headed out for a look-see. Our favorites were Maison and Brissi, both beautiful interiors shops well worth a visit. Rachel and I fell completely in love with this bath:

As you can see on the Brissi website, it's actually a gorgeous silvery color (I have yet to master the flash function on my camera). But it wouldn't fit into Rachel's car, and I'm not so sure it would fit into our bathroom either!


  1. That looks like the sort of bath that you drink champagne in. Do you think it would be easy to turn the taps on with your toes? It is very important to know these things.

  2. drink champagne in, no I think in that bath you would bathe in champagne.....

  3. Oooh, Richmond, I used to love window shopping there once upon a time. The bath is rather heavenly.
