Tracy and I purchased our
Kew memberships, I never would have dreamed of going on a damp day. Kew visits were reserved for sunny days, which meant G and I rarely went, as those were also our allotmenting days!
But having cancelled our last Kew visit due to threatening rain, which never actually fell, Tracy and I decided to brave it this time. The rain did come, but between showers we walked and walked and observed Kew shifting into autumn mode: horse chestnuts bouncing along the paths,

the colors changing on the trees,

and autumn crocuses emerging through the leaf litter:

And while our last visit was memorable for the plethora of blossom, this time we encountered berries in every color, from the familiar red to pink,


and green:

Now if only the red berries hadn't put me in mind of a certain December holiday, which I'm definitely not ready to think about yet!